Collecting feedback for idea

TESLA batteries integration
Feature Request User request

Request: The batteries are not seen as load by the app. So during curtailment doesn’t charge the battery.

Updates to this request (Dec 2024): 

Voltello doesn't integrate directly with batteries, but does ensure charging during curtailed periods by setting a small export amount so that your battery system sees 'excess solar' and still charges.

All customers can now set this to a custom value in the Advanced Solar for Amber settings:
Solar for Amber: Advanced Settings
How Voltello works with existing batteries
Until recently, Tesla did not have a public API for use, and any back-door API integrations are unstable and risk shut-down without any notice. There is some new discussion of Tesla now providing a public API but pricing is predicted to be very high, with low limits. Direct integration with Tesla is therefore unlikely at this stage, but we remain hopeful it will become accessible in the future.